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The TATC Education Corner

Welcome to the TATC Education Corner.  Part of TATC’s mission is to provide information and education to novice, as well as experienced, hikers, backpackers, canoeists, kayakers, and other outdoor enthusiasts.  Over the years a number of Educational Handouts have been developed and made available at meetings.   But distribution has always been minimal due to reproduction costs.  It is hoped that this corner of the Club’s web site will be more accessible, and more informative, to our members and guests.  Please feel free to print out any of of the Educational Handouts provided below.  

Watch the ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE the bi-monthly newsletter, ‘Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club APPALACHIAN HIKER,’ and on the web site, for Backpacking Seminars and other educational activities.

If you have any suggestions or criticisms, please...

  • Or send a note via snail mail to:

Education Chair Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club P.O. Box 8246 Norfolk, Virginia 23503

  • Or talk over your ideas with the Education Chair at a monthly TATC meeting.      
  • Or telephone the Education Chair listed in the bi-monthly newsletter, ‘Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club APPALACHIAN HIKER


Program Notes: 

Untitled 1

Index of Educational Handouts

Click on title to launch document


Activity Leader Pocket Guide

Activity Sign Up Form

Activity Sign Up Information

Guidelines for Participation by Minors - New!

Activity Leadership Guide

After Returning Home

A.T. Distances and Elevations

Backpack Problem - Children's Book Bags

Backpacking - An Introductory Overview


Bear Bagging

Black Bear News - Read and Heed (Please)

Camp Lights

Daypack - Suggested Contents - New!

Emergency Data Form - Blank

Emergency Data Form - Information

First Aid Kits - New!

Forgot Anything List

Hiking with a Dog - including: De-Skunking and Giardia

Information Tidbits

Leadership Styles

Leave no Trace - Booklet

Local Trails - New!

Lyme Disease and Related Information

Trail Maintenance - Booklet

Outings with TATC

Preparing for and during the Winter Season

Search and Rescue - A Broken Foot and Rescue

Search and Rescue - Mau-Har Trail

Scheduling your Activity - Activities Schedule, Newsletter, Web Site

Sharing and being Observant

Sleeping Pads

Survival and Repair Items - fix - reconvert

TATC Crew Briefing Booklet

TATC A.T. Section - Trail Heads, Marshaling Areas, and Landmarks

TATC A.T. Section - Sketch Map (Bitmap)

Trail Maintenance - An A.T. Overview

Trail Maintenance - Common A.T. Chores

Trail Maintenance - Philosophy

Tricks for Outdoor Leaders - Formulas, Hints, and Healthy Calculations

Water Treatment Options for Backpacking - New!

Weather Radio

Site Map

Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club (TATC) 

P.O. Box 8246

Norfolk, VA 23503  

The "Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

Copyright © 2024 TATC

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