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The Task: Cut invasive bamboo along west boundary of First Landing State Park, south of Shore Drive. Approx.1/2 acre, adjacent to Kendall Street entry of Cape Henry Shores neighborhood. Site has been partially cut by park machinery. About half of area cannot be accessed by machine, and must be cut by hand (around fence and live oak trees). Cut bamboo can be left in place, no need to carry it or stack it. FLSP will spray re-emergent shoots after bamboo has been cut. Bamboo is up to 12 feet tall and up to 3/4" in diameter.
Sign up link: https://volunteersignup.org/BJRJH
Bring: long handled loppers, hat with brim, sturdy soled shoes (that resist puncture from cut bamboo stems), eye protection, long pants / long sleeves, insect repellant, water, lunch or snacks, TATC logo if you have one. FLSP plans to supply one (1) steel wheel power weed cutter, and train users on it. Personally-owned power cutters are not authorized due to FLSP liability concerns. If you have one, please wear a hat, shirt, or jacket with the TATC logo when participating in FLSP work days to identify you as a member of the club.
Limited parking on west side of Kendall St. Park on Admiral or East Admiral (south of the bike trail). Do not park on Shore Drive (US 60).
Questions? Call or text Paul Heymann at 540-520-2798
What Three Words Location: ///noon.social.camera.
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Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club (TATC) P.O. Box 8246 Norfolk, VA 23503 www.tidewateratc.com
Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club (TATC)
P.O. Box 8246
Norfolk, VA 23503
The "Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Copyright © 2024 TATC